Known as crisis states, authoritarian states have been known to develop after periods of war, economic collapse, conflict and social religious and ethnic division.
Authoritarianism is when power of a government lies with an individual leader, with the power of courts and system of checks and balances either weakened or ignored the authoritarian leader does not answer to a constitution.
Is this good ? Is this bad? YOU DECIDE!
PRO: Authoritarian leaders are empowering!
They make one feel good and empowered. If you respect their authority, you feel like you hold a special place in an authoritarian society. A successful authoritarian leader could shoot someone dead for no good reason on one of the busiest streets in one of the busiest cities and not only get away with it, but still be held in esteem by their loyal supporters.
Their charisma is strong and this goes a long way in controlling the narrative of public perception, even when it deviates from reality.
PRO: Authoritarianism is inclusive!
No matter if you’re a righteous warrior of justice or proud freedom loving nationalist, there’s a facet of authoritarianism for you.
Totalitarianism is a form of dictatorship that lays down the rules and follows through. No deviation outside state sanctioned thinking, business and ethics will be tolerated. The totalitarian state has unlimited power.
This is perfect for those that don’t like to hear things they disagree with.
The future is bright and ideologically secure!
A notable totalitarian initiative from history was the United Nations Agenda 21. Though failed, it was a bold agenda!
Fascism is a right nationalistic type of authoritarianism. Great for those that struggle with a sense of belonging or are insecure about the control they have over their own lives. The nation becomes part of your identity and
you are one with it’s power! Bask in nostalgia as a charismatic leader offers a path both forward and backwards to a mythical golden age of years past.
Populist Authoritarianism features a charismatic leader who unites a disenfranchised population, often utilizing fear of an other, an invading immigrant or some sort of elite. Perhaps a media elite, a social elite, a business elite or a mysterious occult elite.
Just like people, authoritarianism states are like snowflakes, each unique. Any government can possess a grab bag of qualities from across the full spectrum of authoritarianism.
PRO: Authoritarianism is EFFICIENT!
Think of all the stupid people you know!
Do you really want their decisions affecting choices in your country?
Authoritarianism often takes out the middle man, allowing your charismatic leader and his corporate employers to make all the decisions for you. Things get done and they get done fast! They’re often decided behind closed doors as well, so you don’t even have to worry about it.
You have other more important things to think about other than government action, like how to survive with stagnant wages while housing food and energy costs are through the roof.
With Authoritarianism your mind is freed up so you can focus on not only survival but becoming a billionaire!
PRO: Authoritarianism can exist within a Democracy!
That’s right you can have your cake and eat it too!
Corporations are more than happy to lend a helping hand to craft democracies into an efficient machine.
You’ll be surprised how tame a bewildered herd can become with a little finesse.
A key trait of authoritarian democracies is a small choice of political party. Usually two main ones that sometimes vary more apparently than other times.
PRO: Authoritarianism is safe!
You can rest easy! Whatever problems you’re hearing about on corporate owned media are likely made up and exaggerated ! This is to garner public support for policies that are against the people’s interest but sure are make your charismatic leader and his or her bosses happy!
So the next time you hear about nuclear immigrant AIDS bombing job depletion just smile inside knowing you’re actually very safe and most of the problems you do have are probably your fault.
PRO: Authoritarian states target journalists!
Authoritarian leaders and governments love positive coverage and will attack those that say otherwise, especially if it’s based in fact.
If you love staying in a bubble of cushy thoughts that reaffirm everything you believe without the distractions of reality, you’ll love how authoritarians treat journalists.
Be it their leader calling for violence against those shedding light on their lies or a government monitoring those with ideas they deem dangerous to their ability to control the narrative you’ll never have to worry about reality again!
Often those who’ve marked as troublesome find their access to internet dwindled. Using the process of “shadow banning”, once authoritarian tech teams target a journalist or loudmouth, any of their online communications will be altered by the time they are posted.
To the journalists it will look like they said what they said, but everywhere else it will display a authoritarian approved message. This technique spans DMs and text messages as well. An ingenious solution !
Some authoritarian regimes have even been known to dismember pesky fact finders with chain saws and feed their detached limbs to dogs.
Political parties, be it the Democratic , Republican or American Freedom Party are NOT government organizations and a country can continue to exist without them!
“…if my fellow citizens want to go to hell, I will help them. It’s my job.” – Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendall Holmes Jr , 1920